GISF Takes Online Safety to Church: Empowering Kumasi’s Youth



In Kumasi, the Ghana Internet Safety Foundation (GISF) recently spearheaded a critical online safety advocacy event at the Harvester Evangelist Ministry Students Association. Targeting youths aged 17 to 20, this initiative marked a significant step in extending digital safety education to the church community, ensuring young congregants are equipped to navigate the digital world wisely.

Cybersecurity experts and digital rights advocates led interactive sessions on crucial topics such as managing digital footprints, cyberbullying prevention, and scam awareness. These discussions were tailored to resonate with the young audience, blending traditional values with modern digital practices.

A key highlight was the introduction of the “Safe Surfing” pledge, encouraging responsible online behavior among the youth. The event concluded with a vibrant Q&A session, fostering a community-driven approach to online safety.

Reflecting on the event, the GISF President noted, “Collaborating with the Harvester Evangelist Ministry in Kumasi has been pivotal. It’s essential we empower our youth with the knowledge and tools for safe online navigation.”

This initiative in Kumasi represents GISF’s dedication to spreading online safety awareness and fostering a secure digital environment for Ghana’s youth, integrating church teachings with digital literacy.


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